Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Vlog Outtakes

First Vlog


(BETHANY and MARSHALL sit at a computer.)

Marshall: We’re sitting in front of my computer wondering what to write our first blog about.

Bethany: So many ideas swirling through our young minds. How do we begin to narrow them down?

Marshall: Well, Bethany, I think we should start by discussing our suspicions about our director, Lou Tyrell.

Bethany: I hate to bring it to the public eye so early on but I think we have sufficient suspicious evidence. Marshall, you remember where he took us when we arrived in Manalapan, don’t you?

Marshall: This theme restaurant called “Blackbeard’s Blackbeer.” It was wonderful Caribbean cuisine, but when we did a google search later that night, nothing came up.

Bethany: Or in the yellow pages.

Marshall: Suspicious.

Bethany: Indeed.

Marshall: And we think it might have actually been Lou’s kitchen.

(Enter LAURA)

Laura: Hey guys. Well, as the laziest member of the cast I can at least say that I am the most pleasant smelling at the moment. How was the gym?

(Awkward pause. Exit LAURA)

Bethany: So back to Lou.

Marshall: Yeah, we think he’s a closet pirate.

(Enter LAURA)

Laura: Did I hear closet? When I was hanging out with Lou at the bar after you guys left, he disappeared into the closet for awhile and came out with an eye patch and a parrot. He said it was for the next show, but he seemed a liiiitle too comfortable.

Bethany: I just didn’t understand why he kept asking me, “How aRRRRe you?” And I’d say “Fine” and he’d say, “No, but how aRRRRe you doing?” I’d say, “still fine.” He kept going: “Do you know how LauRRRRa is?” I shook my head. He asked, “How about MaRRRRshall?” “I don’t know dude,” I answered, “Why don’t you ask him?” So he finally went over to Marshall and asked “How aRRRRe you MaRRRRshall?”

Marshall: And then he made me walk the plank.

Bethany: Which added to our suspicions.

Laura: Yeah, I think he realized we were onto him, because two days ago he staged this whole party just for the purpose of trying to convince everyone he was a colonel… he even hired some guy to present him with a plaque. (cut to photo of Lou in Colonel getup) … a likely story…

(Exit LAURA)

Bethany: Where does she keep going? Anyway, yeah, the colonel thing was crazy. He got a hat and a tie and everything! And then he wouldn’t stop talking like he was from Kentucky.

Marshall: As long as we’re alone, Bethany, we should also share our suspicions about Laura. You see, she’s attractive, suspiciously attractive. So attractive, we find ourselves talking to her, and getting lost in her eyes – minutes go by before we remember her face is trying to communicate with us and isn’t just an art installment. Suspicious.

Bethany: No.

Marshall: It is for that reason we believe Laura is secretly a King Cobra.

Bethany: No. You just think she’s hot.

(MARSHALL blushes, transforms into a King Cobra)

Bethany: I knew it!